Saturday, January 29, 2011

Good Morning

Listening to the Hot Club of San Francisco on the ipod, a dutch baby pancake puffing in a cube of hot melted butter, little birds are flitting in and out of the tree branches and the ground is soaked from the heavy fog that never lifted. I am determined to ride to the market this morning with or without the crew! I know it's cold and wet, but I must get some exercise. I need the fresh air in my lungs and it doesn't hurt to have all that beautiful food waiting for me at the other end of the ride. The farmers selling produce plucked from their trees and pulled from their soils this morning.Vendors offering hot tamales or naan bread crisping on the sides of an outdoor oven waiting to be ladled with spicy sauces. I promise to stick to only what we need for the week, ok, maybe one tamale. :)

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