Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

Oliver at the Raiders Game!

Oliver had a blast when our friends got sideline tickets at the Raiders game! Quite a different experience from the waldorf school.

Lemon Verbena, Lemon Balm and Mint Sun and Moon Tea

Michael has been brewing up refreshing batches of this tea daily. It's so delicious! He picks handful's of lemon verbena, lemon balm (lovage) and mint and rinses them well. Into a large jar they go, cover with water and set in the sun for the day. We've put it out in the afternoon and left it in the moonlight overnight for a touch of magik! And for my herb mommies, do you think we have enough Calendula to make some oil? ;) I would love some ideas! The beautiful orange blossoms have found a home and plan to take over!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring Walk Through the Shire and a Dutch Baby Pancake!

I am still amazed that I live here. Spring really shows off in the Shire! Michael made this yummy Dutch baby pancake this morning. With a little powdered sugar and a squeeze of lemon from our neighbors tree, it was so custardy, tangy, buttery with a light sweet flavor. Enjoy!
Dutch Baby Pancake
Preheat oven to 425
Whisk together until smooth:
1/2 c milk
1/2 c flour
1/4 c sugar
2 lg eggs
Melt in a 10" skillet (we use a 9x13 pyrex because we double the recipe)
1/2 stick unsalted butter
Coat the sides of the pan with the butter by tilting
Pour in mixture and bake until the pancake is puffed and golden, about 12-15 min and serve immediately.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Baby Food Co-Op!

This is what I love about sharing! One of my friends asked about homemade baby food and how to store it. I have NO idea, never did it. Then my mom read the exchange and called to tell me about the moms support circle she created when I was little. She and about 4 other mom's would each make some type of baby food and then they would do an exchange! A baby food co-op, what an awesome idea! Instead of looking at other mom's/women as competition, which I just read recently on Facebook, here's a perfect example of how we can support each other. For any new mommies, I think this is just a fabulous idea! Love tapping back into my Santa Cruz Mountains, hippie roots for that magic of strong female community. Thanks Mom/Bet (never have called her mom, part of that crazy time!)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Where We Give Up Our Power

I did it again! I chose to take the kids out of school next year for a new adventure, not to just replace what we have! This is how it happens, you're standing there doing the dishes, and your mind begins to swim through every opinion you've ever heard. Then, you actually believe you're basing your choices on your own ideas. Not true! I started to feel heavier and uninspired until I realized, that was not my plan! I was giving my power away to outside sources and losing touch with my inner compass. It sneaks up on you. The minute I realized what I had done, I actually found myself smiling and standing up straighter. Relieved, I was back where my body knew it was supposed to be. Trusting ourselves, it's like working a muscle. Where do you give away your power as a mother? Practice separating outside opinions from what's real for you. You'll notice a difference immediately. Your body will respond to your truth.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

FREE Moms Support Circle

Just up, this Moms Support Circle on Facebook is a great forum dedicated to mothers. Post questions or leave bits of inspiration. Women were meant to gather in circles and this sacred space is so needed for mothers. Let the sharing begin! You never know who will be touched by your generosity.

Waldorf School Verse

We began each morning with this verse when we homeschooled. Such beautiful words to start your day with.

To wonder at beauty
stand guard over truth
look up to the noble
resolve on the good
this leadeth us truly
to purpose in living
to right in our doing
to light in our thinking
and teaches us trust
in the workings of creation
in all that there is
in width of the world
in the depths of the soul

Monday, April 9, 2012

And He Gave Me His Heart

For weeks, Oliver worked on his little wooden mouse. It began as a chunk of wood and he carved, sanded and oiled it with love. I can see how carefully he placed the eyes, ears and tail. Oliver gave me regular updates on his little masterpiece. He had so much pride in his work. His little heart was so in this. And then, for my birthday, he gave me his heart. When I hold this little mouse in my hands, I can almost feel it beat.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Another Quick Calming Tip!

This is a great tip for sensory integration. Calming and entertaining, your child can squish their little fingers into warm lavender playdough that they helped make. Making playdough is so simple and fun for kids. They get to choose the color, mix the ingredients and help kneed it once it's cooled a little. With the addition of lavender essential oil, their warm little hands are left with a calming fragrance. My kids would play with this for long periods of time and it can be kept in the refrigerator in a plastic bag so it doesn't dry out.

Recipe for Stove Top Playdough:

1 cup white flour 
1/4 cup salt 
2 tablespoons cream of tartar 
1 cup water 
1 teaspoon food colouring 
1 tablespoon vegetable oil

Mix flour, salt, and cream of tartar in a medium size pot. Add water, food colouring, and oil. Cook and stir over medium heat for 3 - 5 minutes. Mixture will look like a globby mess, and you'll be sure it is not turning out, but it will. When it forms a ball in the middle of the pot, turn out and knead on a slightly floured surface Add a few drops of the lavender essential oil. Store in an air tight container or plastic bag.